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Representación en Tribunales

Hemos cumplido de manera satisfactoria con clientes en procesos de asilo, peticiones familiares, perdones y cancelación de remoción.

Servicios Legales de Inmigración

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Asylum is a type of protection granted to foreigners who have been the victim of persecution in their home country or who have a well-founded fear of being persecuted if they return to their home country. To be protected under asylum law, the applicant must demonstrate that persecution occurred due to political opinion, religious belief, membership in a particular social group, race or nationality. The law offices of John R. De la Vega, P.A. has the experience and professionalism to help you submit you asylum application with USCIS or the immigration court.


Immigrants and non-American citizens may be referred to the immigration court for a variety of reasons. Being in removal proceedings (known as deportation) from the United States is a difficult situation that requires an attorney who can represent you throughout the entire process. Attorney John R. De la Vega, Esq. together with associates have successfully represented clients in complex removal proceedings (deportation).


Certain U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents may petition their close relatives if they qualify under U.S. immigration laws. The family petition process can be occurred within the United States or in U.S. embassies in other countries depending on the specific facts of the case. In our office, we have processed family petitions for people from different countries in an efficient and professional manner.


Immigrants and non-American citizens may be referred to the immigration court for a variety of reasons. Being in removal proceedings (known as deportation) from the United States is a difficult situation that requires an attorney who can represent you throughout the entire process. Attorney John R. De la Vega, Esq. together with associates have successfully represented clients in complex removal proceedings (deportation).


The K-1 visa allows a U.S. citizen to petition for her fiancée in another country under the condition that they must marry within 90 days after the fiancée arrives in the United States. It is the responsibility of the American citizen to apply for the I-129F visa with all the evidence required by the immigration service (USCIS). In our office we have the tools and knowledge to help you process your fiancée visa application (K-1 Visa) in the most efficient manner.


La categoría de Visa F-1 (Estudiante Académico) le permite entrar a los Estados Unidos en calidad de estudiante a tiempo completo de un instituto, universidad, seminario, conservatorio, escuela secundaria (superior) académica, u otra institución o un programa de capacitación lingüística.


If you are inadmissible to the United States as an immigrant and are interested in obtaining an immigrant visa, adjustment of status, certain non-immigrant status or other certain immigration benefits, you must file a waiver which requires you to present relevant evidence to the immigration service to qualify for this type of waiver. The office has helped many waiver applicants in a successful manner to present their cases before the immigration services of the United States.


La categoría de Visa F-1 (Estudiante Académico) le permite entrar a los Estados Unidos en calidad de estudiante a tiempo completo de un instituto, universidad, seminario, conservatorio, escuela secundaria (superior) académica, u otra institución o un programa de capacitación lingüística.


La categoría de Visa F-1 (Estudiante Académico) le permite entrar a los Estados Unidos en calidad de estudiante a tiempo completo de un instituto, universidad, seminario, conservatorio, escuela secundaria (superior) académica, u otra institución o un programa de capacitación lingüística.

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La Hora del Inmigrante

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